# 先從 devel/git 的 ports 中安裝 git
# 同時間選取 gitweb 以提供網頁界面
# 之後遇到的設定頁照原來的 OK OK 就可以
cd /usr/ports/devel/git
make install clean
# 增加 git 的使用者,並指定 git 的家用目錄為 /home/git
# 同時間使用 git-shell 作為 shell 指令, uid, gid 為 9418
pw groupadd -n git -g 9418
pw useradd -n git -u 9418 -g git -c git -d /home/git -s /usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-shell -h -
# 新增 repo (倉庫 work),並更改屬性
chown git:git /home/git
chmod 755 /home/git
mkdir /home/git/work/
chmod 775 /home/git/work/
chown git:git /home/git/work/
# 設定除了 commit 外還可以使用額外指令的用戶
# 如果使用者只需要 commit,就可以不加進來
vi /etc/group
# 設定 SSH 認證金鑰,因為 git 要用到這東西
# 每個使用者的 SSH Key 也要加進 authorized_keys.
# 每個 key 為一行
mkdir /home/git/.ssh/
chmod 700 /home/git/.ssh/
touch /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown -R git:git /home/git/.ssh/
# 生成指定用戶的 SSH Key
# 在安裝情況下是使用 ssh-keygen -d 生成 dsa
# 另還可用 ssh-keygen -t rsa 生成 rsa
# 生成時 Enter passphrase 無視按下 enter 即可
su username
ssh-keygen -d
su root
cat /home/username/.ssh/id_dsa.pub > /home/git/.ssh/anthorized_keys
# 接著設定 git 的 repo
mkdir /home/git/work/test.git
cd /home/git/work/test.git && git init --bare --shared
# 接著進行一個簡單的測試
mkdir /tmp/test && cd /tmp/test && git init
echo "This is a test" > index.html
git add
git commit -m 'added index.html'
# 之後 commit 到遠端的 repo
git remote add origin username@example.com:work/test.git
git push origin master
# 之後再設定 gitweb
mkdir /home/git/public_html
chmod 755 /home/git/public_html
chown git:git /home/git/public_html
cp /usr/local/share/examples/git/gitweb/git* /home/git/public_html
# 再設定 apache
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin no-reply@example.com
DocumentRoot "/home/git/public_html"
ServerName git.example.com
<Directory "/home/git/public_html">
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
# 之後再編輯 gitweb.cgi
our $projectroot = "/home/git/work";
our $home_link_str = "work";
our $site_name = "git.example.com"
our $projects_list_description_width = 40; # 調整 description 空間
# 修改 test.git 的描述
echo "test.git" > /home/git/work/test.git/description
# 修改 test.git 的 owner
vim /home/git/work/test.git/config
# 在其後面加入
owner = zeuxis
url = git://git.example.com/work/test.git
url = username@git.example.com:work/test.git
# 最後就是設定 Git protocol
# 在 /etc/rc.conf 最後加入這段
git_daemon_flags="--syslog --base-path=/git --export-all"
# 之後啟動 Git Daemon
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/git_daemon start
# 如果以上面這句子會出現停在 starting 的字眼可以改為以下句式
# 送出後接兩下 Enter 結束即可
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/git_daemon start &
# 檢查是否在執行
ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep git
# 如有東西就可以再測試可否使用了
cd /tmp/test
rm -Rf *
git clone git://git.example.com/work/test.git
- See more at: http://www.chair.im/?p=597#sthash.2F0agDtP.qSAdRJ2D.dpuf
- To do this homework , you need 2 domain name.
- http://twbbs.org/
- http://www.nctucs.net/
- You need two hostnames use same IP address.
- When access http://yourdomain1, it will show the php information.
- When access http://yourdomain1/sademo.html, it will show the text “This page is for sa demo.”.
- Notice that user can use both http and https portocal to access this page.
- When access http://yourdomain1/private/, user need enter id "nctucs" and password "sahw4" which is implemented by .htaccess. And it will show the text “It’s my secret.”
- System user sysadm can put file at ~/WWW/ and others can access it by visiting http://yourdomain1/~sysadm/. sysadm's password is your student id.
- Your git website url is http://yourdomain2/gitweb
- For demo, you need to put a git repository named “sademo.git”. And it’s decription is “This repository is for sa demo.”.
- On your website, enter the sademo.git will show URL information, it’s URL is http://yourdomain2/gitweb/sademo.git.
- You can clone and push your repository by http://yourdomain2/gitweb/sademo.git and password is your student id.
- Users use cookie authentication when access your phpMyAdmin site http://yourdomain1/phpMyAdmin/
- (You need to add a MySQL user for authentication).
- Create another user with limited privilege
- And notice that if others access http://yourdomain2/phpMyAdmin/, they can not access it.
- Only 140.113.*.* can access it
- But 140.113.235.* can’t access it
- Redirect http://yourdomain1/ILoveSA to http://help.cs.nctu.edu.tw/
- But http://yourdomain2/ILoveSA will not redirect .